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How I Fight Antisemitism in CUNY and SUNY- ZOOM ONLY

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 24 Adar II 5784

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

In the first week of April, The Task Force on Antisemitism will present two different, but important perspectives on Antisemitism.

The first on April 3rd features Ilya Bratman,  Executive Director of eight branches of Hillel at CUNY and SUNY. His experience at a variety of schools gives him a broad on how Antisemitism is manifested and how the students are coping. He also serves on Chancellor Rodriguez's Advisory Council on Jewish Life at CUNY. and can give us some perspective on how that group is handling the problem.

Ilya and his family fled Russia and moved to Pittsburgh when he was fifteen to escape Antisemitism, only to face it again. Our tax dollars support CUNY and SUNY making it all the more important that we learn what is happening there. This event is zoom only.

We hope that some of our college students will attend so that they can comment

*Zoom only.  (For Zoom link, please contact us.)


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